How to Install WordPress on Webuzo ?

Install WordPress on Webuzo is a straightforward process. Webuzo is a control panel similar to cPanel but is often used for managing web applications and hosting services, including WordPress. Here’s how you can install WordPress on Webuzo:

1. Log in to Webuzo Panel

  • Access your Webuzo control panel by visiting: (or the IP address of your server).
  • Enter your login credentials to access the dashboard.

2. Install required System Apps

  • Install the necessary system apps like Apache, MySQL, and PHP if they are not already installed.

3. Set Up Domain:

  • Go to Domain ManagementAdd Domain to add the domain where you want to install WordPress.
Install WordPress on Webuzo

4. Install WordPress

  • Click on WordPress from the list of available apps.
  • Click on the Install button to Install WordPress on Webuzo
  • Click on the WordPress icon, and it will take you to the installation page.
  • Select Install to start configuring the installation.

5. Configure WordPress Installation Settings

  • Choose Domain: Select the domain or subdomain where you want to install WordPress.
  • In Directory: Leave this field empty if you want WordPress installed in the root (e.g., If you want it in a subfolder (e.g.,, specify the folder name.
  • Site Name: Enter a title for your WordPress site.
  • Site Description: Provide a brief description of the site.
  • Admin Username: Set the username for the WordPress admin account.
  • Admin Password: Set a strong password for security.
  • Admin Email: Enter the email address for the admin account.
  • Select Language: Choose the language for your WordPress installation.

6. Database Settings

  • Webuzo automatically generates a database name and user, but you can modify these settings if needed.

7. Advanced Options

  • If you want to set additional options such as automatic updates, backups, or email notifications, you can configure these under the Advanced Options section.

8. Complete the Installation

  • Review your settings and click on Install to Install WordPress on Webuzo
  • The installation process will take a few moments. Once complete, you’ll see a confirmation screen with the URL of your new WordPress site and admin panel login details.

9. Access Your WordPress Site

  • Visit your newly Install WordPress on Webuzo by going to the domain you selected.
  • Log in to the WordPress admin dashboard by navigating to and using the credentials you set earlier.


  • Ensure your domain’s DNS is properly configured before installation.
  • Always use a strong password for security purposes.
  • Regularly update WordPress and its plugins for better performance and security.

By vpsadmn