ClamAV or ImunifyAV Free – Which 1 is the Best cPanel Antivirus Scanner

ClamAV or ImunifyAV Free both are popular antivirus scanners designed for cPanel, each with its own strengths and features. Let’s provide a brief introduction to to help you assess which one might be the best fit for your needs.

Antivirus or anti-malware scanners protect users from uploading and using malicious data on your Linux VPS. While your choice of Linux operating system (OS), or other OS, can change the probability for successful cyber-attacks, it won’t negate it completely.

There are many free AV scanners for every OS including Bitdefender, Malwarebytes, and SUPER AntiSpyWare. For cPanel server security, the two most popular options are ClamAV or ImunifyAV Free. In this article, we’ll discuss:

cPanel AV Scanning

cPanel, a widely used web hosting control panel, provides various tools and options for antivirus (AV) scanning to enhance the security of hosted websites and server environments. Here’s an overview of the common AV scanning features and tools available in cPanel:

  1. ClamAV Integration:
    • Description: ClamAV is a popular open-source antivirus engine known for its versatility in detecting malware and viruses.
    • Integration: Many cPanel installations come with ClamAV integration, allowing users to perform manual scans and configure automatic scans for their accounts.
    • Usage: Users can initiate on-demand scans of their home directories, public_html folders, and email accounts through the cPanel interface.
  2. ImunifyAV (Free and Premium):
    • Description: ImunifyAV, developed by CloudLinux, is specifically designed for cPanel environments to enhance website security.
    • Integration: ImunifyAV seamlessly integrates into cPanel, offering both free and premium versions with varying features.
    • Features: ImunifyAV provides real-time scanning, automatic cleanup of infected files, and a user-friendly interface within cPanel

Which is Best For You – ClamAV or ImunifyAV Free?

The choice between ClamAV or ImunifyAV Free depends on your specific needs, preferences, and the hosting environment characteristics. Let’s break down the considerations for each to help you make an informed decision:



  1. Open Source: ClamAV is open-source, which means it’s freely available, and its source code can be modified and inspected by the community.
  2. Community Support: Being open-source, ClamAV benefits from a large community of developers and users who contribute to its improvement and share their knowledge.
  3. Versatility: ClamAV is versatile and widely used for scanning various types of files and email attachments.


  1. Resource Usage: ClamAV can be resource-intensive compared to some commercial alternatives, which may impact server performance.
  2. Updates: Regular updates are crucial for effective threat detection, and ClamAV relies on community contributions for this, which may not be as rapid as commercial solutions.

ImunifyAV Free:


  1. Integration with cPanel: ImunifyAV Free seamlessly integrates into cPanel, providing a user-friendly interface for website owners and administrators.
  2. Automatic Scanning: ImunifyAV Free can automatically scan and clean infected files, reducing the need for manual intervention.
  3. Resource Efficiency: ImunifyAV Free is designed to be resource-efficient, minimizing the impact on server performance.


  1. Commercial Offering: While ImunifyAV Free is free, there is also a premium version (ImunifyAV+) with additional features. Depending on your needs, you may find that some advanced features are available only in the premium version.

Considerations for Your Decision:

  1. Open Source Preference: If you prioritize open-source solutions and community-driven development, ClamAV might align better with your philosophy.
  2. Ease of Use: If integration with cPanel and a user-friendly interface are essential, ImunifyAV Free could be a more convenient choice.
  3. Resource Efficiency: Consider the resource impact on your server. If resource efficiency is critical, ImunifyAV Free is designed to be lightweight.
  4. Additional Features: Assess the specific features offered by each solution. If certain advanced features are crucial for your security strategy, check whether they are available in the free versions of ClamAV or ImunifyAV.
  5. Scalability: Consider the scalability of the solution, especially if you manage multiple websites or a larger hosting environment.

In summary, both ClamAV or ImunifyAV Free have their merits, and the “best” choice depends on your specific requirements and priorities. If you’re looking for a robust open-source solution with a broad community, ClamAV might be suitable. On the other hand, if you prioritize integration, ease of use, and resource efficiency, ImunifyAV Free could be a better fit.


The choice between ClamAV or ImunifyAV Free ultimately depends on your specific preferences, requirements, and the characteristics of your hosting environment.

Here’s a brief summary to help you make a decision:

  • Choose ClamAV if:
    • You value open-source solutions and community-driven development.
    • Broad versatility for scanning various types of files and email attachments is crucial.
    • You are comfortable with potentially higher resource usage and can manage updates through community support.
  • Choose ImunifyAV Free if:
    • Integration with cPanel and a user-friendly interface are important considerations.
    • Automatic scanning and efficient resource usage are priorities for your hosting environment.
    • You prefer a solution that offers a good balance between features and ease of use.
  • Considerations for Both:
    • Regularly updated threat databases are essential for effective security, so evaluate the update mechanisms of your chosen solution.
    • Assess the impact on server performance, especially if you operate in resource-sensitive environments.
    • Check for any specific features or capabilities that align with your security strategy.

Remember that both ClamAV or ImunifyAV Free have their strengths and weaknesses, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It’s recommended to test and evaluate each antivirus solution in a controlled environment, considering factors such as ease of use, performance, and the ability to meet your specific security needs. Additionally, staying informed about updates and new features from both solutions will help you adapt to evolving security challenges in your web hosting environment.