Useful Mysql commands in SSH Shell in PUTTY

The following are the list of commands used in mysql to create an data base and manage it for Linux web server.

Start by logging-in using a SSH client, like PUTTY, to access the shell command line.



Before entering this command make sure your will be in

mysql >

And at the same time put semi colon (; ) in the last.

mysql -u [username] -p; (will prompt for password)

Access monitor-this command will access by entering the username and password which is already created.

show databases;

Show all databases-this command will show or list all the database which is created or present.

mysql -u [username] -p [database];

(will prompt for password)
Access database-it will access the database by entering the database name and its password.

create database [database];

Create new database-this will create a new database with assigned name.

use [database];

Select database-this will select the particular database.

select database();

This command is used to determine what database is in use.

grant all privileges on database name.* to username@localhost;
flush privileges;

This command is used to Give a user privileges for a database.

show tables;

Show all tables.

describe [table];

Show table structure.

show index from [table];

List all indexes on a table.

CREATE TABLE [table] ([column] VARCHAR(120), [another-column] DATETIME);

This will create new table(assign name) with columns and create with date and time.

ALTER TABLE [table] ADD COLUMN [column] VARCHAR(120);

This will add an another column in the existing table.


It is used for Adding a column with an unique, auto-incrementing ID.

INSERT INTO [table] ([column], [column]) VALUES ('[value]', [value]');

It will insert a new record into the table.


MySQL function for date time input.

SELECT * FROM [table];

This command is used to Selecting records in the table.


This command will Explain records which is present in the selected table.

SELECT [column], [another-column] FROM [table];

It is used for Selecting parts of records which is present in the table..

SELECT COUNT([column]) FROM [table];

This command is used for Counting records in the table.

SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT([column]) FROM [table]) AS count FROM [table] GROUP BY [column];

This command is used for Counting and selecting grouped records.

SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] LIKE '%[value]%';

This command is used to Select records containing [value] .

SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] LIKE '[value]%';

It is used to Select records starting with [value].

SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] LIKE ‘[val_ue]’;

Select records starting with val and ending with ue.

SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] BETWEEN [value1] and [value2];

This is used to Select a range in the table.

UPDATE [table] SET [column] = '[updated-value]' WHERE [column] = [value];

This commands is used for Updating records.

DELETE FROM [table] WHERE [column] = [value];

This command is used for Deleting records.

DELETE FROM [table];

(This also resets the incrementing counter for auto generated columns like an id column.)

Delete all records from a table (without dropping the table itself)

truncate table [table];

This command will Delete all records in a table

ALTER TABLE [table] DROP COLUMN [column];

Removing table columns.

DROP TABLE [table];

Deleting tables.

DROP DATABASE [database];

Deleting databases

SELECT [column] AS [custom-column] FROM [table];

Custom column output names.

mysqldump -u [username] -p [database] > db_backup.sql

Export a database dump (more info here).

mysql -u [username] -p -h localhost [database] < db_backup.sql

Import a database dump (more info here)


This command is used to Logout or quit from the mysql.

To setup a basic firewall on linux dedicated server click here.